2 Easy Things We Can Do Now To Save Ourselves: Quitting Plastic

As a conscious member of society, we all have the responsibility to take care of the planet. ALL OF US. No one is exempt. It doesn’t feel very dire. The icecaps haven’t all melted yet and our houses aren’t yet flooded and we still have clean drinking water and our climate isn’t yet scalding our skin. So we’re OK.  Continue reading

The Handmaid’s Tale – Our Possible Terrifying Future

Take a look at your bookcase. If you had enough free time, which book would be the first one you’d like to reread? Why?

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood is a dystopian novel describing the lives of its citizens after the fall of now-America into a military state (“The Fall”). Having read it as a teenager, it was ingrained in my mind for a long time. I remember the strange names of characters and the graphic sexual images. Continue reading